Sunday, July 3, 2011

The Garden - step by step

I thought some of you might be interested in hearing about the garden and 
seeing pictures from the start until now. 

I chose a spot between our house(on the left) and the kitchen(on the right) because it is close to where we are and we can tend to it easily and because it was close to a water source.  The soil wasn't that great
because as you can see in the photo below it was used as a construction site and to store materials, but I 
thought I would give it a try!  

We removed all the "stuff" and began chipping away at the soil and removing a fair amount of soil
that we knew just would not do, it had a huge amount of clay in it, as does most the soil around here.

Here is Micah and his friend, Jared on the far left and a son of one of the workers, 
Johnathan in the middle, just hanging out in the garden :)

Soil getting chopped up...yes, we did this all by hand, using shovels and hoes. 

The soil, now chopped up finer. We also brought in some better soil from the coffee farm.

Hailey at working(top right of the garden), making 3 wide, raised beds to plant the veggies!

Hailey enjoying the hard labor!

The three final, wide, raised beds. You can see the two on the right have some 
richer soil on top; we added more on the third one as well.

 Horray! It's time to plant the seeds!

Joseph and Micah watering the garden together!

 The vegetable markers Hailey made...yes, they are in Spanish!

 The trellis we made for the cucumbers.

 Here you can see a gate was put up and the garden is surrounded by chicken fence....
to keep ALL the chickens and dogs out!  

Here is our garden now...the walkways are covered in pine needles..."Thanks Mom!"
And you can see that things are growing!  We got beets, cabbage, cucumbers, onions, and watermelon
that are growing well!

 Well, that is it for now.  Maybe once things get REAL big I will post another picture.  


  1. Aww Hailey thanks for the "props" but you guys did the "heavy lifting". I must say I enjoyed the hard physical work as well. I have nothing to push around in a wheel barrel here. Cal planted eggplants and it is soo cute he has about 18 eggplants growing they are beautiful. I'll send you some seeds in my next box they are so fun to grow. xoxo mom

  2. NOTE please that I finally figured out how to post a comment without help I might add :)

    love you!
