Friday, June 3, 2011

Only One Thing Is Needed

Recently I was feeling very useless. I felt like there was nothing I could do for the Lord, at least anything that really mattered.  Sure, there are always chickens to chase after and feed, always a garden to tend to, always dishes to be washed and always something to clean up. “But what do those have to do with the Lord?” I thought.  In the States opportunities to serve people were endless! I could walk down the street and find at least two homeless people to share with or talk to.  There was always a friend I could take out to coffee to encourage and pray with.  I could call anyone I wanted, whenever I wanted just to let them know I was thinking about them.  I could sign up for a hundred different volunteer opportunities to serve single women, homeless teens, etc…  Each day I felt like I could be so fruitful for the Lord and DO so much.

But here, I felt like “Why would God call me to a place where it seems like I am so far from anything and anyone?  It is a good motorcycle away to the next “village” where multiple houses are.  There are 4 hours of the day, at least, where the girls here are in class and I have nothing to DO…but of course, look after animals and plants J "
I know being a mother of a 16 month old keeps me pretty busy but with just one child I still have some down time where I can do other things like when he is taking a nap or when he is content playing on his own.  While I still have some time I wanted it to be used for the Lord at best as it can be.

I was getting so anxious!  “Lord, show me what I can DO for you!  Please! I want to be used and it seems no matter how hard I try to seek out opportunities, there are none there. I know that cannot be the actual case…you must have something for me to do, people who need encouragement...something!”  This was my daily cry to the Lord.

I needed someone to talk to about this, someone who I knew could probably relate.
My friend, Jannekah, is a missionary in Kenya with her husband and her two young children.  I know she lives in a place that is much more populated than I do, but she is a wife, a mother, an American, and a woman who desires to do the will of the Lord daily.  I wrote her an e-mail expressing my desire to serve the Lord but feeling useless and the Lord used her to encourage me and point me to the truth. 

I have a completely new perspective and I am so grateful for my friend.

She reminded me of Joseph in the Bible and the fact that he knew he was born for greatness but he had to take care of chickens and do the dishes in Potiphar’s house. He was also in prison for 8 years! I am sure he felt like his tasks were not important as well, especially compared to the Longings of his heart. But as Joseph obeyed God in those small tasks and worked at them with all his heart, God was lining up his destiny; those tasks led him to be Pharaoh’s right hand, in charge of all of Egypt!  (You can read his story in Genesis 37-45)

She also reminded me of the huge ministry that I have being a mother and a wife.  Focusing on being the Helper that God made me to be for Joseph and focusing on training Micah in the way that he should go is a worthy task and so pleasing to the Lord.  Praying for my family and encouraging them is a huge ministry and I should be taking advantage of the down times that I have and realizing how precious those moments are.

And lastly, she reminded me when Jesus was at the home of Martha and Mary. (The story is in Luke 10:38-42)  Most of you probably know the story, but in a nutshell, Martha kept herself distracted by all the preparations and Mary chose to sit at the feet of Jesus. Martha complained to Jesus and asked him to tell Mary to help but what Jesus said I am sure came as a surprise to Martha and it is helpful for me to put my name in his reply:

“Hailey, Hailey,” the Lord answered, ”you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed.  Mary has chosen what is better and it will not be taken away from her.”

What a great reminder…it is easy to think that there are SO many things that NEED to be done, isn’t it?  But there isn’t….most things can wait but there is only ONE things that is truly needed, the most important thing in life is our relationship with Christ Jesus. He reminds us in Matthew 6 that if we “seek first the Kingdom of God” ALL things that we need will be given to us.  Why can’t we trust that?

My friend reminded me that Jesus’ is more concerned with having an intimate relationship with me than He is in what I DO for Him.  And in reality, the closer I become to Lord and the deeper our relationship is, the clearer my understanding of His Will will be and my life will naturally flow with His. There will be no worries, no tribulations, and no cares that will leave me wondering or anxious.  I will be so aware of the Lord’s presence in my life that I will be at ease and resting assured in His love.

So from now on, as I continue to abide in Christ, I will delight in the busy times and delight in the slow times knowing and trusting that God is at work and that he will use me when and where he sees fit! I will focus on the ONE THING THAT IS NEEDED.

I will end by sharing a quote that my friend shared with me that is from one of my favorite devotional authors:

Oswald Chambers "The aim of the missionary is to do God's will, not to be useful, not to win the heathen; he is useful and he does win the heathen, but that is not his aim.  His aim is to do the will of the Lord."

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