Sunday, June 19, 2011

A Few Funny Conversations...

In Belize, Hailey said a few things that we got a good laugh at, so I figured I'd write briefly about them.

The first was right after we got off the boat and were walking (in 110 degree real feel heat) to our hotel. Hailey had a heavy backpack and Micah, and I had another heavy backpack and Micah's pack-and-play. Here is how the conversation went (remember, Belize's national language is English).

Hailey: Disculpe, donde esta Seaspray Hotel (to a younger man who looked Latino)
Young Man: (with a funny look) Uhhhh, it's right down that road on your right!
Hailey: Oh (with a surprising, yet embarrassed look), thank you

Of course we walked away laughing, even though we were both dripping with sweat and slightly annoyed that we hadn't found our hotel yet.

The second conversation was our last night in Belize and we ate at a little Italian Restaurant. This, by the way, was hands-down the best Italian Food I have had my entire life. If any of you ever visits Placencia, Belize, you must visit the only Italian Restaurant in town, only a few blocks up from the boat dock. We had found out that the restaurant was a family operation, and that's when this conversation happened.

Hailey: (to the waitress) Is the cook your husband?
Waitress: (smiling) No, he's my dad!
Hailey: (embarrassed once again) Oh, tell him the food is amazing.

I told Hailey to tell the waitress that her dad looked so young, making her question a compliment instead of feeling like the waitress looked twice her age.

Anyhow, we had some great laughs in Belize and while we're happy to be back in Honduras, we miss our vacation!

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