We left the campus on Saturday morning and had a ride by car to San Pedro Sula. It was nice to not have to take the bus that first stretch. Then we caught a bus in San Pedro Sula to Puerto Cortes and we arrived in the middle of the afternoon. The first thing that we realized about Puerto Cortes is how much hotter it is than where we live up in the mountains. I thin it was in the 90’s with a “feels like” temperature of over 100 degrees.
We were dropped off in front of a grocery store, so I asked the nearest cab driver to take us to Hotel Costa Azul. We didn’t have reservations because we hadn’t actually planned on arriving until Sunday, but there was a change of plans. Anyhow, they had a room for us and we were glad to get settled in after a long day of traveling. The rest of the day we just relaxed, read, ate a delicious dinner (steak and chicken) at the hotel restaurant, and went to bed around nine.
On Sunday, we woke up and went to the continental breakfast at 7 AM (when it supposedly opened). Unfortunately for us, the hotel hadn’t even let the cooks into the kitchen, so it was a long wait for our food, which wasn’t a big deal since we didn’t have any plans all day. After breakfast we played with Micah for an hour or two before he was ready for his nap. We put him down and spent a couple hours reading, checking email, and doing other miscellaneous things. (FYI, I read a book called “Heaven is For Real” in one day. It is a story written by a pastor about his four year-old son’s experience in heaven. I know, it sounds unbelievable, but you should read it – it’s pretty crazy).
After Micah woke up, we took a taxi into town for lunch and a little walk. We ate a Pizza Hut (I know, sounds lame in Honduras, but after you eat rice, beans, eggs, and tortillas for three months straight, some pizza sounds delicious) and walked to the nearest grocery store. After purchasing a few items, we took a taxi back to the hotel.
Micah had his first experience in the pool and after the initial shock and nervousness; he enjoyed it quite a bit. We spent the rest of the afternoon lounging around intentionally not doing very much.
A few other things to mention:
- I am still sick after 5 days of horrible diarrhea and stomach pains. About half the students got it and they were over it in 2-3. I am the lucky one who gets it for much longer.
- We are currently waiting to take a taxi down to catch our boat to Belize. After two beautiful (and extremely hot) days in Puerto Cortes, it is POURING down rain right now and the boats are waiting to see if they have authority from both ports to leave. If we don’t leave today, I have no idea what the next step is since we have to leave the country. The boats only are scheduled to leave on Mondays and return on Fridays – just enough time to renew our passport.
Well, I think that’s it for right now. We will try to update you while we’re in Belize – that is, if we make it to Belize. For now we are just hoping to get a call any minute saying the boat is on schedule to leave in two hours.
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