Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Sixteen People, No Bathroom

I learned something shocking (well, not really...I'm living on the 2nd poorest country in the Western Hemisphere) just the other day. Our cook, who is one of the most generous and loving people I've met my entire life, lives in one house with 15 family members. This, I already knew. What I did not know; however, is that the 16 of them do not have a bathroom. They just use the woods every time they need to go. I couldn't believe it. Could you imagine every single time (especially as a woman) that you needed to go having to walk out in the woods with TP in hand, dig a hole, do your business, and cover the hole.

What happens when you dig a hole in the same place that your sister dug yesterday? You have to dig another hole. Then you dig a hole where your aunt did last week. Dang it! Hopefully the third time is a charm!

Anyhow, when I heard this, I started asking around here what it would take to build this wonderful family a bathroom. Here is about what it would take:

-Lots of physical labor to dig the septic hole in the ground (With 15 people in the family - we pretty much have this covered)
-About $300 worth of bricks to lay the walls of the septic tank
-About $100 worth of PVC pipe
-A toilet (Cost ???)
-Less than $100 of cement

If anyone is interested in helping this family not to have to dig holes every time they use the forrest (I mean, bathroom), please send me an email at and I will let you know how you can contribute.

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